Friday, January 24, 2014

Holistic Health & Wellness: What is Holism and Why Should We Strive for It?

Holistic Health & Wellness: What is Holism and Why Should We Strive for It?  

I am sure that at some point you have heard the term “holistic health or wellness”. Well, what is it? Holism comes from alternative medicine (I will rarely use this term as I disagree with what it implies, but we will get into that another time).  Simply put, it is based on the idea that our natural systems and their properties should be treated as and viewed as a whole. In focusing on the whole person, the aim is to balance and care for all systems:

·         Physical
·         Mental
·         Spiritual
·         Emotional
·         Social
·         And more


Natural modalities are the most common sources of living a holistic lifestyle. And there are many types that you can choose to begin or further your life with holism and strive for true wellness. Some of these are Massage Therapy and bodywork, essential oils, importance of posture and Chiropractic, Yoga, real nutrition, and natural self & home care.

My journey with holistic wellness began back in 2003 during my first semester of Massage Therapy school. It was my Polarity instructor who really opened my eyes to the importance of holism and how important it is to truly care for ourselves and other as a whole. Over the years, I have continued to build upon my knowledge of holistic wellness and also my love for caring for people.

There is an abundance of reasons to seek out holistic wellness. Some of the benefits include, and certainly are not limited to:

·         Better overall well-being
·         A sense of accomplishment when you reach your wellness goals
·         Decreased illness and chronic disease
·         Amplified vitality
·         Greater knowledge of yourself
·         A more positive lifestyle
·         Increased motivation and energy
The path to true wellness, or optimum health, is not quick or simple, but it can be awakening, peaceful, and uplifting, amongst other positive experiences. So, why should someone chose holism? A holistic approach to wellness has an incredible amount of benefits. No matter what your current level of health and wellness is, there is always room for improvement!

If you have any specific questions or topics you would like to read about, please share on my Facebook page or email me. Together we can “Relax your body, Refresh your mind, Rejuvenate your life!”

**For a more detailed description about what holism is, the American Holistic Health Association is a great source:

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